- Unique colour
- dispelling intoxication
- relieving stress
- soothing irritation
- inspiring the intellect
- balancing mood
- protects its owner from negativity
- bringing you good luck and abundance.
Mineral Aqua Gel (STAR PRODUCT)
Amethystory Mineral Bubble Face Wash
Amethystory Mineral Aqua Whitening Enhancer
My opinion:
I think it is an awesome product to try. Amethystory Mineral Aqua Gel (Star Product) is extraordinary. It is mainly for dry skin users. I tried it too , even though i'm not a dry skin person but oily skin person. At first i was terrified by the white flakes appearing on my face which is dead skins then i waited for awhile. I touched my skin , it turn up to be tighter and smooth. I only can use once because i'm not suitable.
Amethystory Mineral Bubble Face Wash look like the biore marshmallow design. However , this product can remove impurities , moisturize your skin, and remove dirt, oil on your pores. Not only that , it contain collagen which allow ladies to look YOUNG.
Lastly , amethystory Mineral Aqua Whitening Enhancer.
It gave the ladies whitener effect on your skin tone. WOW!
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